Inclusive Innovation 2030

Let’s co-create the systems we want!

Welcome to ii2030 – a catalytic process for driving systems change and creating a more inclusive and future-fit society. We bring together innovators from all sectors to co-create solutions that tackle complex challenges and create real impact on the ground.

ii2030 can be used to design programs, organize collective impact, or review and revise current sector solutions. Interested?

Inclusive Innovation 2030

What is ii2030?

Endeva’s proven approach to facilitate systems change for a more inclusive and future fit society by 2030.

ii2030 is a catalytic process that begins with a problem and an opportunity and ends with the implementation of an action plan of a systemic solution. It catalyzes collaboration amongst innovators from corporates, startups, the public sector, NGOs and science. ii2030 is an impactful, action oriented collaborative process.

Current and previous tracks

ii2030 Methodology

How we change systems

Every ii2030 process is organized into one or several tracks. Tracks are designed around a “How might we…?” question that points to a system change opportunity. We curate the right set of actors around this question: those who need to be a part of the solution. We take them through the 3 phases of our ii2030 process:

It begins with an understanding of the dynamics in the system and exploring leverage points…

Each ii2030 track starts with an open expert consultation to understand challenges in the system and identify leverage points for change, using Systems Practice methodology. We engage a wide audience to learn about existing solutions, the people working in and impacted by the system and the constraints they face. We also identify participants for the co-creation phase.

… goes on to co-design a system solution with a diverse group of innovators …

In the co-creation phase, a group of core partners develops an action plan to reconfigure the system. In an onsite or several online workshops, we take participant through a Theory U process, enabling them to identify their shared intention and actions towards this goal. On the way, we open the space for deep connection with oneself, with others and with the shared purpose, creating momentum for implementation.

…and ends with a concrete action that brings us closer to our vision.

Each ii2030 track leads to a proposal for concrete action on the ground that brings participants closer to the shared vision. Participants can then implement the solution collectively. Additional partners are recruited for implementation as needed. Once implementation is complete, results can be assessed, the solution can be refined and steps can be taken to scale impact.

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Partners & participants

Here are some of the organizations that attended or supported ii2030.