Building energy grids from the bottom up

How can we connect mini-grids to central grids?

How did we create impact?

The energy track aimed to test the connection of the SOLshare mini-grid with the national grid in Bangladesh. We explored how this would change the energy system through different pivotal questions: Which business models do different players need? What transactions would take place between the grids? How should incentives be designed, especially in terms of public policies?

The result of the track was the creation of a regulatory sandbox in Bangladesh which is currently being piloted by the track’s implementation partner SOLshare. The regulatory sandbox allows bidirectional integration of DC and AC powered mini-grids into the national grid.

What is the benefit of connecting mini-grids to central grids?

Mini-grids are being developed across the world in areas far away from the central energy grid. Mini-grids are either linked to a central “power station”, using solar, water or biomass, or developed bottom-up by connecting solar-home systems. Linking mini-grids to the central grid could improve availability of energy across users while reducing cost and improving grid stability.

Why do we need a more integrated solution?

 To date, grid and off-grid solutions are treated as an either-or by both the public sector and users. They sometimes even operate differently, some using  AC and others DC. The distinction often leads to difficulties in planning and investment. Households typically prefer to be connected to the central grid, which is heavily subsidized in most places and hence a political issue. Promises to extend the grid deter off-grid providers. People end up with no electricity at all. Grid integration would enable joint planning and more effective bottom-up grid development.

Implementation Partner

Sebastian Groh, SOLshare

SOLshare has created a revolutionary new approach to bring affordable solar electricity to everyone in Bangladesh and beyond through its peer-to-peer solar energy trading platforms based on distributed ledger technology. We believe the smart peer to peer grids we are building in Bangladesh can be the future for utilities globally. SOLshare pioneers a micro-energy transition model 3.0 by interconnecting solar home systems in peer-to-peer networks, monetizing excess solar energy along the value chain in real time with mobile money and empowering communities to earn a direct income from the sun.

Who attended

The energy track brought together:

  • Donors and experts working on energy policy
  • Off grid energy providers and utilities
  • Technical experts and technology providers
  • Investors into energy access
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